
Soundscapes of the Future: Transforming Music Creation Through AI

In the past two years, innovators in almost every industry have examined their business models and asked the question, “how can AI help us improve?” AI applications have been implemented to fit a myriad of verticals, from data analytics and sales to education and training. But the implications of AI assistance grow more complex, and fascinating, when the conversation is brought to the realm of the arts. What does AI have to offer creators such as musicians? Can technology truly be used in a field which relies heavily on human creativity?

On July 10, 6:00pm (In-person); 6:15pm PT (online)// May 2, 10:15 am JT (Online), the SVJP gathers to explore AI’s impact on music creation. Leading us through the discussion will be Ivan Linn, Founder & CEO of the generative AI music platform Wavv. Using his experiences as a musician and tech entrepreneur, Linn will share the ways emerging technologies are being used to compose music, bolster content creation, and empower musicians. The session will be moderated by Sheri Bryant, consultant and advisor in emerging entertainment technologies.

Please contact Alison Harsch at for details and registration


Ivan Linn: 
Ivan Linn is CEO of Generative AI music platform Wavv, the creator of the world’s first large music language model: Musica. He is known for his work in the music production of video games in the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series. He is also the Music Director and Chief Conductor of the Assassin’s Creed Symphony World Tour, winning a Grammy in 2023. Linn is a member of the National Arts and Sciences Recording Academy and ASCAP. Linn is a Director of Filoli, a private museum located in Woodside, California, surrounded by a 654-acre estate.

Sheri Bryant:
Sheri Bryant is an entrepreneur who lives at the intersection of innovation, creativity and technology. She spent much of her career in Hollywood with large corporations like The Walt Disney Co. to small start-ups pushing disruption in media. Sheri was co-founder and CEO of groundbreaking geek lifestyle media company Geek & Sundry, which she sold to studio Legendary Entertainment before returning to her roots in Silicon Valley.

Sheri currently consults for and advises companies in business strategy for emerging technologies with a focus on generative AI and the metaverse at the intersection of entertainment and technology.

Sheri holds a degree in Economics with honors from Stanford University and has spent her adult life promoting diversity and championing Asians in the entertainment and tech industries.